When you see people with CPAP machine fixed to their nose while sleeping, what do you think? In most instances, it appears that people who uses that machine are struggling with severe sleep disorder or their lives are already in a worsened condition.
Well, that is not always the case. Although, CPAP machines are the gold standard for solving sleep disorders whether at mild or severe level. Yet, it is not until your life is in danger that you consider buying the breath-assisting device, buy cpap machines is good for solving minor sleep problems like snoring, waking up at intervals at night, having a bad day and the likes.
It is alarming that many people are already CPAP patient they don’t know because they have not been diagnosed. Based on research, about 60% of the world population don’t have the best quality sleep every night. While some indulge in taking sleeping pills at bedtime and become addicted overtime, others rely on injections to fall asleep. Click here to known common problems of CPAP machines.
On the negative side, people who rely on sleeping pills don’t always wake up active. Many complain of feeling weak, tired, or unmotivated to get out of bed and pursue their daily goals. Should you also be a victim of poor sleeping habits? No!
Quality sleep is important to your everyday living. It has significant effects on how productive you would be in handling your daily tasks throughout the day. Inadequate sleep will sap your energy, keep you lazy and make you feel sleepy at work. More than that, poor sleep can put you at the risk of developing severe health complications such as heart attack, stroke and type 2 diabetes.
Sleep apnea is of the most commonly known sleep disorder. When it becomes hard for you to breath appropriately when sleeping, you need to speak with your healthcare provider to conduct a diagnostic sleep study. From professional point of view, when your breath start and stop while sleeping, it can be one of the two kinds of sleep apnea: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) or Central Sleep Apnea (CSA).
OSA blocks or collapses your airways to affect your breathing while CSA happens with neurological disorders or heart diseases. Whichever one you are diagnosed with, CPAP machine is one of the best solution available for you in the medical world.
Are you a sleep apnea patient? You will discover in this diagnostic guide. Below are the most common symptoms that suggest you have the frustrating sleep disorder which means you need to consider getting a CPAP machine.

5 Signs You Might Need A CPAP Machine
1. You are snoring loudly
Snoring is one of the minor sleep disorders that requires the need of CPAP machine. Though snoring may not affect you directly, but giving your bed partner a good night rest should be a top concern for you.
Snoring is mostly a symptom of Obstructive sleep apnea. The loud noise that comes from your snore is a result of turbulent air that makes the soft tissues in your airways vibrate. When sleeping, the tissue in your nasal passages and the back of your throat will relax. Your tongue will also collapse at the back of your throat and shrinks the airways to create the turbulent air.
There are a number of factors that can make you snore while sleeping. They may include weight gain, age, excessive alcohol intake, and wrong sleep position.no matter what might the cause of your snoring, the best thing to do is to find a to widen your airways to keep it free of the turbulent air and obstruction that causes snoring. Getting a CPAP machine can give you the perfect result.
2. You stop breathing at intervals while sleeping
Of course, it can be hard for you to know if you stop breathing at some point when sleeping. Why? You might have been in a subconscious state of mind. However, you bed partner or neighbor can be your guardian angel watching how you do during sleep.
When your breathing pauses when sleeping, it is a clear symptom of sleep obstructive sleep apnea. This condition occur when your airway tissue blocks your upper airway. That blockage in your airways caused your tongue to fall against the throat or soft palate thereby causing an obstruction that makes breathing difficult. Once you notice this condition, CPAP machine is god for you.

3. Waking up at intervals when sleeping
Some people cannot sleep for an hour at a stretch. They could wake up about five times or more before daybreak. While you might take it for an advantage if you are a night worker, it is a symptom that you are struggling with central sleep apnea. If you have been experiencing this condition recently, it is best to visit your healthcare provider for a detailed diagnostic test. Chances are that you need a CPAP machine to assist your breathing all through the night.
4. You are waking up with a dry or sore throat
If can be frustrating to wake up everyday with a dry or sore throat. Especially if you don’t know the actual cause, you may have to try some ineffective corrective measures. From a medical point of view, people that wake up with sore or dry throat are most likely experiencing poor sleep quality. Though there are a number medication that can solve the dry throat condition but the best yet recommended remains CPAP machines.
5. You have difficulty falling asleep
Do you always find it difficult falling asleep when it is bedtime? That could be a sign that you need a CPAP machine. Inability to sleep is associated with obstructive sleep apnea. Most people who don’t sleep easily don’t get to sleep until dawn approaches and that may cause sleepiness throughout the day. It may also affect your physical and mental health, cause frequent headaches or make you lose concentration.
CPAP machine is not for only people with severe sleep problems. If you have been noticing any of the above symptoms, you need to visit your doctor for proper diagnosis to determine the actual cause and solution. Your doctor will also guide you on what kind of CPAP machine and accessories suits your custom needs.